The Figgie Awards

Every year at our annual in-person Fest, we host an awards ceremony after the exhibit halls close. In this awards ceremony, we recognize the excellent games in our Tabletop and Digital Showcases. We give away trophies and prizes for a number of categories, selected by our curation teams, as well as an Audience Choice and Best in Show award.



Award Winners

2024 Digital Winners

Best in Show: Sincerely, Robin

Audience Choice: Cappy & Tappy: The Temples of Peril

Best Student Game: Mushroom Kid’s Big Grass Sword

Excellence in Audio: Ripple and Frawg: The Seasonal Song

Excellence in Narrative: Murder Is Game Over: The Blackinton Curse

Excellence in Design: Breaking News

Excellence in Visual Art: Chico’s Rebound

2022 Digital Winners

Best in Show: Dicey Football

Audience Choice: Helicopter Tennis

Best Student Game: Fired Up!

Accessibility and Inclusion: Mondrian – Plastic Reality

Worldbuilding and Narrative: Hiboka

Compelling Game Mechanics: Dicey Football

2019 Digital Winners

Compelling Game Mechanics: Dragoon Drop

Experimental: Go For A Walk

Student Games: The Gristmill

Narrative / Art: A Short Hike

Multiplayer: Killer Queen Black

Audience Choice: Evergate

Best in Show: The Gristmill

2018 Digital Winners

Best in Show: Boyfriend Dungeon

Audience Choice: Evergate

Compelling Game Mechanics: Depths of Sanity

Experimental Game Design: Exposure: A Game of Camouflage

Innovation in Art & Narrative: Boyfriend Dungeon

Multiplayer and Connected Game: Save Your Nuts

Student Games: RE:Charge

2017 Digital Winners

Best in Show: Refactor

Audience Choice for Digital Games: King of the Hat

Innovation in Art & Narrative in Digital Games: Shrug Island!

 Best Digital Multiplayer and Connected Game: Super Slime Arena!

 Best Student Digital Game: Magic Moving Mansion Mania!

Compelling Game Mechanics in a Digital Game: Refactor!

2016 Digital Winners

Best in Show: Perception

Audience Choice: Ape Out

Art and Experimental Games: Anamorphine

Compelling Game Loops: Ape Out

New Developers’ and Students’ Games: RYB

Multiplayer and Connected Gameplay: Blade Ballet

Accessibility and Inclusion: HEARtREAD

Worldbuilding and Narrative: Perception

Epic Scope and Gameplay: Floor Kids

2015 Digital Winners

Superior Smarts Award for Best Learning Game: Smorball

Best Audio Design: Thumper

C-C-Combo Breaker Award for Best Multiplayer Game Design: Ninja Tag

Awesome Aesthetic Award for Best Visual Art: Liege

“Epic Epic Award for Best Narrative/World Building: Howie and Yarla

The Laser Kitten Award for Best Technical Quality: Xeero

The Best in Show Award for Best Gameplay Innovation: Ultimate Chicken Horse

2012-2014 Digital

Sorry, data not available for 2012 – 2014! We revised our curation processes drastically between 2014 and 2015.

2024 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Punch Bowl

Audience Choice: Sent By The Gods

Most Innovative: Starline Hill

Best Theme: Skydiver

Best Game in Progress: Abracabattle

Best Family Game: Thar It Rolls

Best Hobby Game: Pirates of the High Teas

2022 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Dyna-BOOM!

Audience Choice: The Genetic Code

Most Innovative: Critical Care: The Game

Most Dynamic: Tack

Best Game in Progress: Speculation

Best Family Game: Retrograde

Best Hobby Game: Dyna-BOOM!

2019 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Gemstones

Audience Choice: Immateria

Most Dynamic Game: Scheduling Simulator

Most Innovative: Mechanica

Best Hobby Game: Alynthia

Best Family Game: Camp Pinetop

Best Game in Progress: Ruthless Old Prospectors

2018 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Crumbs

Audience Choice: Slap Down!

Most Dynamic Game : Schism

Most Innovative Game: Luke Warm

Best Hobby Game: Faza

Best Family Game: Hibernation

Best Game in Progress: D.N.Abled

2017 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Donner’s Pointe

Audience Choice: VISITOR in Blackwood Grove

Best Game in Progress: Five Minutes to Midnight!

Best Family Game: Biome Builder!

Best Game for Social Change: Gerrymandering!

Most Innovative Game: F.L.O.W.

Most Dynamic Game: False Queen

2016 Tabletop Winners

Best in Show: Faulty Maps

Audience Choice: Wicked Apples

Cultural Mosaic: Blabber Mouthz

Most Dynamic Game: You’re Fired

Most Innovative Game: eBee

Best Family Game: Monsters in the Elevator

Best Game in Progress: Crop Circles

2015 Tabletop Winners

Audience Choice: Dragoon

Best in Show: Karmaka 

Most Innovative Game: Slideways 

Best Artwork: Karmaka

2014 Tabletop Winners

Indie Ideals: Best Game, Winner – Moriarty’s Machinations

Design Dazzle: Best Artwork, Winner – Tactics Rumble: Things are getting Dicey!

Tiny Tesla: Best Innovation, Winner – Alchemy

2012-2013 Tabletop

Sorry, data not available for 2012 – 2013! We revised our curation processes drastically between 2014 and 2015.

Current Digital Categories

Excellence in Visual Art
Excellence in Audio
Excellence in Design
Excellence in Narrative
Best Student Game
Audience Choice Award
Best in Show

Current Tabletop Categories

Most Dynamic
Most Innovative
Best Hobby Game
Best Family Game
Best Game in Progress
Best in Show

Curation Process

BostonFIG has been refining our curation processes since the Fest’s inception in 2012. In our first couple of years, we relied on audience participation in order to select the award-winning games, but found that at scale, this fell short of our desired outcomes. Soon, we began to implement detailed curation processes. We build teams of curators from all segments of the games industry, from fans to 25-year professional designers.

Our priority has always been providing the most useful feedback to our submitters, so they can take critical assessments that our curators provide and use them to build and improve upon what they’ve already created. 

Check out our Curation Team’s latest documentation on our Tabletop and Digital submission processes: 

Interested in Joining our Curation Team?

We’re always looking for new perspectives that can provide actionable and useful feedback to our game creators. Whether you’re an industry vet or a games enthusiast, your take matters to our Showcase participants!



BostonFIG | celebrating indie games